Ebook-Download Family Don't End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives
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Family Don't End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives

Ebook-Download Family Don't End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives
Haben Sie schon gehört, dass die Analyse der Geist gut funktionieren fördern können? Einige Menschen denken wirklich, dass die Situation zu halten. Dennoch sind viele Menschen ebenfalls, dass es nicht in Bezug auf Analyse ist. Es hat mit genau das zu tun, was Sie die Nachricht und die Wahrnehmung des Buches nehmen könnte, die Sie überprüfen. Nun, warum Sie denken, dass die Art und Weise? Und doch, sind wir sicher, dass die Analyse von Technik und sinnvoll könnte der Leser es sehr gut lesbar machen.
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Aber dieses Buch ist wirklich vielfältig. Fühlen besorgt ist üblich, aber nicht für diese Veröffentlichung. Family Don't End With Blood: Cast And Fans On How Supernatural Has Changed Lives ist für alle Kulturen speziell zusammengesetzt. So wird es auch sehr einfach sein wie angeboten von allen Personen verstanden werden. Nun benötigen Sie nur wenig Zeit vorbereiten zu erhalten und herunterladen und die Soft-Daten dieses Buches zu installieren. Ja, das Buch, das wir in dieser Internet-Seite anbieten, ist in weichen Unterlagen Arten getan. Also, werden Sie sicherlich nicht wirklich das Gefühl, komplexe riesiges Buch fast überall zu bringen.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Dr. Lynn Zubernis is a clinical psychologist, a mom of two, a university professorand a passionate fangirl. She fell in love with the television show Supernatural, discovered the wild and wonderful world of fandom, and has never looked back. Her writing celebrates all the positive things that come with being a faninspiration, creativity, self-expression, validation, and a support system that extends across the globe. She has written for publications including Slate, The Conversation and Supernatural Magazine about fandom, chairs the stardom and fandom area of the Southwest Popular Culture Association, and has contributed to many articles, podcasts, and documentaries on fandomincluding NPR’s piece on Supernatural. She cowrote and was associate producer for the upcoming documentary Squee! The Fangirl Documentary and blogs at fangasmthebook on Wordpress.That’s her academic half; the fangirl half writes fanfiction whenever she can, braves the lines at Comic-Con, collects Supernatural gifs on Tumblr (yes, we have a gif for everything), and has purchased way too many photo ops at Supernatural conventions.
Taschenbuch: 256 Seiten
Verlag: Smart Pop (9. Mai 2017)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1944648356
ISBN-13: 978-1944648350
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
17,8 x 1,3 x 22,9 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.5 von 5 Sternen
8 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 7.475 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I've been holding off writing this for a long time because I didn't want to step on any toes or hurt the author's feelings. Lynn is a good person and has great insight in the psychology and mechanisms of fandom and being a fan. I enjoyed her book "Fangasm" immensely, so I really hope people don't take this review as an attack on her or on fandom as a whole.I liked the book a lot, and the chapters written by cast & crew were wonderful. Like most of us, I teared up when reading what Jared had gone through. Kim's and Briana's chapters moved me as well. I've been in a lot of fandoms over the years, but SPN is the first one where I really got the impression that the cast cares about us. Like, genuinely cares. Not just in a superficial "I love you all" manner, but "you changed the way I see things" (thank you, Jensen).My criticsm, however, has to do with the way fandom itself is presented. It's not SPN fandom, but "people who can afford to go to cons put on by Creation Entertainment multiple times a year" fandom. This might be a little unfair, but almost all of the interactions described in the book take place at CE cons. Fandom is so much more than cons in North America. I get that it's tempting to boil everything down to these events, but they are just a fraction of what goes on, and to put the focus solely on cons doesn't do the fandom justice.Moreover, a lot of the interactions in the book are a direct result of breaking rules set by the convention organizers. We have a problem in the SPN fandom in that breaking rules often grants you more, longer, and more intimate access to cast members. Examples would be taking elaborate props into photo ops, telling them your life story at autographs, or emotionally manipulating them into being concerned for your well being during an interaction. It leaves people who respect the rules wondering why they even bother, and it creates a divide in fandom between people who do these things and people who forgo them out of respect for the actor.And at the risk of sounding mean - there was a distinct "My life had no meaning until I met [actor]" vibe throughout many of the fans' accounts. That's a dangerous way of thinking. Because one day, cons will end (or, as we are already seeing, will become too expensive to attend) and that access to cast we take for granted will decrease significantly. If you narrow fandom down to photo ops and autographs, you're in for a very rude awakening once that stops. It's also very unhealthy to put the burden of your happiness on another person, specifically a stranger - and they are strangers! I would have loved more emphasis on friendships among fans instead of actor worship.Don't get me wrong, I go to cons as well and enjoy them a lot. But this book focuses almost exclusively on CE cons, and that is just a fraction of the SPN fandom.
A book full of stories from fans, cast, crew about how this little show that could changed their lives.Some are highly relatable, others are entertaining, some make you cry and others make you smile all day.I bookmarked each and every sentence/paragraph that sparked an emotion in me and let me tell you, there are so many bookmarks in this.... A must read for every fan of SPN or those that used to love the show and have found friends and inspiration in this fandom.
I was curious what Cast and Fans of Supernatural has to say about how this show has an impact of their life. The story of Sheri Chen 'Cancer watches with me' hit me hard. I lost my mom 2001 and my dad 2015 both to cancer. I was amazed at how openly the participants had talked about their fates and how much strength I had drawn from these stories. After about half of the book, I decided to buy a second one and give it to a 15-year-old girl in the hope that she could also draw strength from these stories.Many thanks go to each individual who shared his story. Opening this way reveals a lot of trust in the reader. Thanks for that.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ich war neugierig, was Cast und Fans von Supernatural zu sagen haben, wie diese Show ihr Leben beeinflusst hat. Die Geschichte von Sheri Chen 'Cancer watches with me' hat mich hart getroffen Ich habe meine Mutter 2001 und meinen Vater 2015 an Krebs verloren. Ich war verwundert, wie offen die Beteiligten über ihre Schicksale gesprochen haben und wie viel Kraft ich aus diesen Geschichten bezogen habe. Ich hatte mich nach ca. der Hälfte des Buches entschlossen, ein zweites zu kaufen und dies einem 15-jährigen Mädchen zu schenken in der Hoffnung, dass sie ebenfalls Kraft aus diesen Geschichten ziehen kann.Großen Dank geht an jeden Einzelnen Beteiligten, der seine Geschichte geteilt hat. Sich so zu öffnen zeugt von viel Vertrauen in die Leser. Danke dafür.
Bin ein riesen Supernatural-Fan und habe mir dieses Buch sofort gekauft, ich konnte das Buch kaum aus den Händen legen...Das Buch ist total spannend, gut geschrieben und sehr interessant.Würde es immer wieder kaufen, und es ist bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen, dass ich es gelesen habe.
In diesem Buch erzählen Darsteller und Fans der TV Serie Supernatural wie die Serie ihr Leben beeinflusst hat. Es geht um persönliche Ereignisse und ergreifender Schicksale, aber auch um Hoffnung. Es ist auch ein großartiges Beispiel, wie stark Fangemeinschaften sein können. Ein sehr empfehlenswertes Buch für alle Fans der Serie.
For every Supernatural fan a MUST HAVE! And for all others: read it because you will understand what kind of impact the TV show "Supernatural" has on its actors, creators and fans!
Family Don't End with Blood ist ein muss für jeden Supernatural Fan.Die Kapitel sind echt toll und gut geschrieben und man bekommt ein sehr guten Eindruck wie die Fandom das Leben von Fans und auch der Schauspieler veränder hat.Ich kann dieses Buch nur empfelen.
Emotionally this is probably the best book I have ever read. An absolute must have for SPNFamily members but maybe also a guidance for people suffering from depression and anxiety. It helped me a lot and I am grateful to have the opportunity to being a part of this amazing family.Big recommendation.
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